What Is Unfailing Love?

Feb 08, 2024

The other day during a women’s book study I was prompted with a question…


“What is unfailing love to you?”


I grabbed by journal and just let the words pour out of my heart and mind and onto the page…

“Unfailing love, for me, is the patient love of the Father who was there for me, guided me, didn’t walk away (even when I didn’t follow him right away), but waited patiently until I clearly saw through the haze of the world and my own traumas and dramas.  He humbly, kindly, lovingly waited and just kept calling my name until I came to him and laid my soul at His feet and He still walks in the same symphony of unfailing love with me today as I offer my soul daily. “ 


Wow… yep!  That’s it.  Then I went through and underlined these words


“Unfailing love, for me, is the patient love of the Father who was there for me, guided me, didn’t walk away (even when I didn’t follow him right away), but waited patiently until I clearly saw through the haze of the world and my own traumas and dramas.  He humbly, kindly, lovingly waited and just kept calling my name until I came to him and laid my soul at His feet and He still walks in the same symphony of unfailing love with me today.”

This, of course, is the unfailing love of God in my life, but what really made me pause, as text messages and calendar reminders for pick up were vibrating my bag on the floor, is when I shifted to look at this through a parenting lens.


I have long called parents "architects".  As a parent you are building, designing and planning the beginning of someone else’s life.  THAT is a humbling, big, profound responsibility.  These words staring back at me in this impromptu mind dump of defining unfailing love is the how to be a family architect.  


AND, if that isn’t enough, we, as parents, need to do this all while teaching them to do the same within themselves and out in the world.


Love and lead them to a place that they love and lead themselves…

So one day they can lead others to the same. That’s Legacy Leadership  

That is a grand assignment!


I have failed at this so many times friends.  These words and the actions that fall under their umbrella were furthest from my distracted or emotion tangled mind and frankly, if you are reading this, I am sure you have too. And that is OK.  Good even!  We need to fail, show them how to fail, make amends, show them accountability to self and others and they need to learn how to rise back up after a fall because it will happen.  Guaranteed. 


So… unfailing love.  What is it to you and how is it reflected, or how can you start reflecting it, in your home?


Will there be more…

  • Patience?
  • Guiding?
  • Not abandon?
  • Humbleness?
  • Kindness?
  • Lovingness?
  • Pursuing?


I hope so because out in the world they are one of 8 billion, but in your home they are one of you.  Use this precious 6570 days wisely and build her foundation strong.


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